Though many have given up, amid the ever-growing hype and throngs of crowds, I am one again here at Comic Con in San Diego! For me, Comic-Con has gotten "off-message" compared to smaller Cons, and I worry the same thing is happening to WonderCon, but for me they are all still tremendously fun and exciting. I mean, where else can I go to see Scott Bakula in a Quantum Leap retrospective, meet the guys from
Look Around You, and Penn & Teller all in one place? (Oh, and get some free ice cream being given out by the guy who plays Master Shake & The Alchemist?) Not to mention the chance to run into many other animators, both old friends and new.
I would say this year is actually a little less crazy than last year, perhaps enough people got fed up that it reduced attendance a bit. Well, it's only Thursday, I'm sure the next couple of days will be in-sane...
Anyway, off to the next panel. Till then...