Portfolio Sections

Friday, August 28, 2009

On the run-up to APE Con...

Lots still to do to prepare for my first sales booth at APE Con. It's still about a month and a half away, but seeing as this is my initial foray into "retailing," albeit just for a two-day event, I am still readying myself and trying to find out the "unknown Unknowns" since I think I have already covered he "known Unknowns" by now...

Not really ready to go to sleep, though that would probably be wise at this point in the evening/morning. Too many idea are racing through my head, while I am still working to make concrete the ones that came before them. New printer on the way, to help make them manifest. A lot of people who have done prints for sale at other events have recommended the Epson R1800, which is discontinued, so I went for it's descendent, the R1900. Hope all goes well, as the low-end Epsons could sometimes be fussy, I hear the higher-end ones are more reliable and deliver even better results. I think I have lined up a T-shirt printer, and I have about half of the shirts I want to offer already laid out in Illustrator. Now I just have to wrap up the others...

Anyway, enough thinking aloud...time for bed.

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