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Saturday, April 2, 2022

A tasty blast from the past - Mister Donut sign

Mister Donut Sign

Howdy Funkybat pals, take a gander at my latest creation: a tribute to a dear departed favorite treat from my childhood, Mister Donut.  The "brother-in-law" of Dunkin' Donuts, This fried dough-dishing fella was felled by his more famous relation nigh 30-odd years ago.  But the retro coolness factor will always belong to Mister Donut!  

This illustration is really just a warm-up to a full depiction of an entire Mister Donut store building that I am still in progress on.  For now, enjoy this jaunty sign, which will be available in limited quantities from my Etsy store soon after WonderCon has concluded.  If you just can't wait to get a print, head over to Anaheim this weekend and grab one from my table (D-55).