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Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Funkybat Store launches today!

Huzzah! Today I wish to invite everyone to check out my latest online creation, The Funkybat Store! This is my (for now) modest storefront on the web, offering some of my more popular merchandise which was once available only at WonderCon and APE. Now my creations are available for sale 24/7/365! I've got my T-shirts and stickers and some magnets right now, and I plan to offer prints of my illustrations in the future.

Go to funkybat.bigcartel.com to pick up what you missed from the cons! I'd love to hear feedback from customers & potential customers on what they'd like to see added, after all this store is for all of you as well. I'll be revising it as I go along, as I'm new to the online retail scene.

Next thing on the horizon will be an *all new* Funkybat.com. I'll be launching a revamped version of my site later this month, I'll keep everyone posted via this blog and my Facey Spaces and other social media. I'll also be uploading a lot of new stuff I haven't put out anywhere online as well. In the meantime, check out the store:
