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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Rest in Peace, Barbara Bradley

I was surprised and saddened to learn today of the death of Barbara Bradley, an accomplished illustrator and longtime teacher at the Academy of Art in SF. Barbara is a legend amongst legions of artists, for she taught generations of students after a career in commercial illustration. I had the chance to study under her a few years ago, and it was an exciting, rigorous, enlightening, and rewarding experience for me as an artist and as a person. Barbara was honest and direct in her observations and criticisms, which could be hard to hear sometimes. She was never mean or vindictive, rather she was kind, but firm. Like a strong mother figure. She helped me improve in a lot of ways and always pushed all of us in her class to take our work to the highest level we could. I'll never forget those times. When I think of Barbara Bradley, I remember someone who loved what they did and was always willing to share their insights and experience with others. She was a witty, insightful, and positive person. I am sorry that she is gone, but glad that she is not suffering, and that she will be remembered by many people for many, many years. Her work will live on, as will the knowledge she shared. She helped foster the abilities and creative drive in so many people who now can take pleasure in and share their own wonderful creations. Those are her gifts to this world.